The Pre-Application Conference (PAC) is a free tool designed to flag any items or changes that are needed on a project involving a site plan that could cause a delay in the permitting or approval process. The Pre-Application Conference gives the City and Parish staff a chance to review the project and give direct feedback to applicants before an applicant commits funding to a project.

*Note: There is a submittal process that takes place prior to the actual Pre-Application Conference. This process is done to clarify the overall procedures. Please read ahead to understand both the Pre-Application Submittal and Pre-Application Conference.* 

Pre-Application Packet Form

  1. Contact the Planning Office at 318-673-6480 to coordinate a Pre-Application Submittal.
  2. Refer to the PAC Schedule for important submittal and meeting dates. 
  3. Submit a Pre-Application Submittal Packet Form along with the project narrative and conceptual site plan. Refer to the Application Checklist section of this page.
  4. Receive an agenda for your PAC meeting approximately a week after the  submittal deadline date. This agenda will also be distributed to all reviewing departments. Please see the second tab for these departments and their representative's contact information.

Pre-Application Conference

  1.  Attend the PAC meeting. At the meeting you will receive feedback from the different reviewing departments.
  2. Receive a written copy of the comments and feedback the following business day. Once received, address the PAC comments as part of a formal site plan application submittal.
  3. Go to the Site Plan Review page or the appropriate Special Use Permit or Planned Unit Development page.





